[SCI(E) Journals] ● Bai, Jiahe, Wan, Chenghui, Hong, Ser Gi, Wu, Hongchun, "A practical subcritical rod worth measurement technique based on the improved neutron source multiplication method", Nuclear Engineering and Technology, Vol.56, p.1398-1406, (2024) ● Lee, Sang-Kyung, Hong, Ser Gi, "Classification of nuclear activity types for neighboring countries of South Korea using machine learning techniques with xenon isotopic activity ratios", Nuclear Engineering and Technology, Vol.56, p.1372-1384, (2024) ● Hong, Ser Gi, Park, Geon Hee, Kim, Sang Woo, Cho, Yu Yeon, "An extensive characterization of xenon isotopic activity ratios from nuclear explosion and nuclear reactors in neighboring countries of South Korea", Nuclear Engineering and Technology, Vol.56, p.601-610, (2024)
● Wang, Sicheng, Hong, Ser Gi, "A simplified SP3 NEM solver within a unified formulation for pin-by-pin core multi-group calculations", Nuclear Engineering and Technology, Vol.56, p.5078-5095, (2024) ● Kyu Jung Choi, Shin Sung Oh, Ser Gi Hong, "Preliminary Selection of Safety-Relevant Radionuclides for Long-Term Safety Assessment of Deep Geological Disposal of Spent Nuclear Fuel in South Korea", Journal of Nuclear Fuel Cycle and Waste Technology, Vol.21 No.4 (2023) ● Ta, Duy Long, Hong, Ser Gi, Yook, Dae Sik, "A spent nuclear fuel source term calculation code BESNA with a new modified predictor-corrector scheme", Nuclear Engineering and Technology, Vol.54, p.4722-4730, (2022) ● Woo, MyeongHyeon, Hong, Ser Gi, "STRAUM-MATXST: A code system for multi-group neutron-gamma coupled transport calculation with unstructured tetrahedral meshes", Nuclear Engineering and Technology, Vol.54, p.4280-4295, (2022) ● Yim, Che Wook, Hong, Ser Gi, "A MCNP simulation for a new dual-energy dual-beam X-ray inspection method using multi-angle compton scattering to determine the effective atomic number of explosives", Radiation Physics and Chemistry, Vol.195, 110084, (2022) ● Hwang, Dae Hee, Hong, Ser Gi, "Neutronic analysis on TRU multi-recycling in PWR-based SMR core loaded with MOX (U-TRU) and FCM (TRU) fueled assemblies", Annals of Nuclear Energy, Vol.179, 109435, (2022) ● Jae Yeon Choi, Ser Gi Hong, Hyuk Kwon, “Conceptual Design of a Long Cycle Small Modular Reactor Core with Annular UO2 and FCM (TRU) Fuels,” International Journal of Energy Research, First published at 14 September 2020, https://doi.org/10.1002/er.5957. ● Jae Hyun Kim, Myeong Hyeon Kim, Chang Ho Shin, Ser Gi Hong, “A shutdown dose rates analysis of the Korean fusion demonstration reactor using MCNP5 mesh-based R2S approach,” Fusion Engineering and Design, Vol.167 (2021), 112321. ● Dae Hee Hwang, Ser Gi Hong, “Transition cycle analysis of light water-cooled SMR core loaded with MOX (TRU) and FCM (TRU) fueled PWR assemblies,” Nuclear Engineering and Design, Vol.375 (2021), 112321. ● Geon Hee Park, Ser Gi Hong, “An Estimation of Weapon-Grade Plutonium Production from 5MWe YongByon Reactor through MCNP6 Core Depletion Analysis,” Progress in Nuclear Energy, Vol.130 (2020), 103533. ● Ta Duy Long, Ser Gi Hong, Deokjung Lee, “Validation of UNIST Monte Carlo Code MCS for Criticality Safety Calculations with Burnup Credit through MOX Criticality Benchmark Problems,” Nuclear Engineering and Technology, Accepted for Publication, 2020. ● Ye Seul Cho, Ser Gi Hong, “Physics Analysis of New TRU Recycling Options using FCM and MOX Fueled PWR Assemblies,” Nuclear Engineering and Technology, Vol.52, p.689-699(2020). ● Habib Muhammad, Ser Gi Hong, “Diffusion Synthetic Acceleration with the Fine Mesh Rebalance of the Subcell Balance Method with Tetrahedral Meshes for SN Transport Calculations,” Nuclear Engineering and Technology, Vol.52, p.485-498 (2020). ● Ara Go, Daesik Yook, Kyuhwan Jeong, GyeongMi Kim, GunHee Jung, and Ser Gi Hong, “Analysis of Korea’s PWR Spent Nuclear Fuel (SNF) Characteristics Evaluated from Existing SNF Inventories (1979-2015) and Projected SNF Inventories (2016-2089),” Nuclear Technology, Vol.205, p.605-623 (2019). ● Jin Young Cho, Tae Young Han, Ho Jin Park, Ser Gi Hong, and Hyun Chul Lee, “Improvement and Verification of the DeCART Code for HTGR Core Physics Analysis,” Nuclear Engineering and Technology, Vol.51, p.13-30 (2019). ● Habib Muhammad and Ser Gi Hong, “A Three-Dimensional Fourier Analysis of Fine Mesh Rebalance Acceleration of Linear Discontinous Sub-Cell Balance Method for Diffusion Equation on Tetrahedral Meshes,” Annals of Nuclear Energy, Vol.133, p.145-153 (2019). ● Dae Hee Hwang, Ser Gi Hong, “Physics Characteristics of a PWR Core Loaded Micro-Cell UO2 Fuels,” Annals of Nuclear Energy, Vol.128, p.33-43 (2019). ● Ho Seong Yoo and Ser Gi Hong, “Neutronic Design and Analysis of Advanced Long Cycle Boron-Free Operation of a Small Modular Reactor Core with Particle Type Burnable Poison Rods,” International Journal of Energy Research, Vol.42, p.4654-4666 (2018). ● Wuseong You and Ser Gi Hong, “An Advanced Sodium-Cooled Fast Reactor Core Concept Using Uranium-Free Metallic Fuels for Maximizing TRU Burning Rate,” Sustainability, Vol.9, p.2225 (2017). ● Seong Jae Cheon, Ser Gi Hong, Jung Hun Lee, and Young Suk Nam, “Design and Performance Analysis of a 500W Heat Source for Radioisotope Thermophotovoltaic Converters,” International Journal of Energy Research, Vol.42, p.817-829 (2018). ● Hyungju Yun, Kwangheon Park, Wooyong Choi, and Ser Gi Hong, “An Efficient Evaluation of Depletion Uncertainty for a GBC-32 Dry Storage Cask with PLUS7 Fuel Assemblies using the Monte Carlo Sampling Method,” Annals of Nuclear Energy, Vol.110, p.679-691 (2017). ● Junghun Lee, Seongjae Cheon, Ser Gi Hong, Youngsuk Nam, “A Radioisotope Thermophotovoltaic Converter with Nanophotonic Emitters and Filters,” International Journal of Heat and Mass Transfer, Vol.108, p.1115-1125 (2017). ● Ho Jin Park, Kang Seog Kim, Ser Gi Hong, and Jae Seung Song, “An Improved DeCART Library Generation Procedure with Explicit Resonance Interference using Continuous Energy Monte Carlo Calculation,” Annals of Nuclear Energy, Vol.105, p.95-105 (2017). ● Hoseong Yoo, Dae Hee Hwang, Ser Gi Hong, and Ho Cheol Shin, “New Long-Cycle Small Modular PWR Cores using Particle Type Burnable Poisons for Low Boron Operation,” Nuclear Engineering and Design, Vol.314, p.173-181 (2017). ● Ser Gi Hong, HaeLee Hyun, and Wuseung You, “Core Design Options of an Ultra-Long-Cycle Sodium Cooled Reactor with Effective Use of PWR Spent Fuel for Sustainable Energy Supply,” International Journal of Energy ResearchVol.41, p.854-866 (2017). ● Do-Yeon Kim, Ser Gi Hong, and Chang Je Park, “Coupling of An Innovative Small PWR and Advanced Sodium-Cooled Fast Reactor for Incineration of TRU from Once-Through PWRs,” International Journal of Energy Research Vol. 40, p.216-229(2016). ● WuSeung You and Ser Gi Hong, “A Physics Study of Advanced Sodium-Cooled TRU Burner Cores having Thorium and Uranium-Based Metallic Fuels,” Nuclear Technology Vol. 194, p.217-232(2016). ● Hyungju Yun, Do Yeon Kim, Kwang Heon Park, and Ser Gi Hong, “A Criticality Analysis of the GBC-32 Dry Storage Cask with HBN#3 Fuel Assemblies from the Viewpoint of Burnup Credit,” Nuclear Engineering and Technology, Vol.48, p.624-634(2016). ● HaeLee Hyun and Ser Gi Hong, “A Sodium-Cooled Ultra-Long-Life Reactor Core having Improved Inherent Safety with New Driver-Blanket Burning Strategy,” International Journal of Hydrogen Energy,Vol.41, p.7082-7093 2016. ● Dae Hee Hwang, Ser Gi Hong, Jae Cheon Kim, Gi Dong Kim, and Yong Kyun Kim, “Monte Carlo Simulations for High-rate Fast Flux Neutron Flux Measurements Made at the RAON Neutron Science Facility by using MICROMEGAS,” Journal of the Korean Physical Society, Vol.67, No.8, p.1315-1318 (2015). ● Taewoo Tak, Jiwon Choe, Yongjin Jeong, Deokjung Lee, T.K. Kim and Ser Gi Hong, “Feasibility Study on Ultralong-Cycle Operation and Material Performance for Comparative Liquid Metal-Cooled Fast Reactors : A Review Work,” International Journal of Energy Research, Vol.39, p.1859-1878 (2015). ● Chang Je Park, Hwa Gyu Park, Hee Dong Shon, Ser Gi Hong, and Yongdeok Lee, “End Effect Analysis with Various Axial Burnup Distributions in High Density Spent Fuel Storage Racks,” Annals of Nuclear Energy, Vol.81, p.174-178 (2015). ● DoYeon Kim, Ser Gi Hong, and Gil Hoon Ahn, “i-BEST : A Program for Burnup History Estimation of Spent Fuels Based on ORIGEN-S,” Nuclear Engineering and Technology, Vol.47, p.596-607 (2015). ● Ser Gi Hong, Jin Hyeong Kim, and WuSeung You, “A Neutronic Design Study of Lead-Bismuth Cooled Small and Safe Ultra-Long-Life Cores,” Annals of Nuclear Energy, Vol.85, p.58-67 (2015). ● Gonghoon Bae and Ser Gi Hong, “A Small Long-Cycle PWR Core Design Concept using Fully Ceramic Micro-encapsulated (FCM) and UO2-ThO2 Fuels for Burning of TRU,” Journal of Nuclear Science and Technology, Vol.52, No.12, p.1540-1551 (2015). ● Sooyoung Choi, Hyunsuk Lee, Ser Gi Hong, and Deokjung Lee, “Resonance Self-Shielding Methodology of New Neutron Transport Code STREAM,” Journal of Nuclear Science and Technology, Vol.52, No. 9, p.1133-1150 (2015). ● Taewoo Tak, Deokjung Lee, T.K. Kim, Ser Gi Hong, “Optimization Study of Ultra-long Cycle Fast Reactor Core Concept,” Annals of Nuclear Energy, Vol. 73, p.145 (2014). ● Wu Seung You and Ser Gi Hong, “A Neutronic Study on Advanced Sodium Cooled Fast Reactor Cores with Thorium Blankets for Effective Burning of Transuranic Nuclides,” Nuclear Engineering and Design, Vol. 278, p.274 (2014). (책임저자) ● Ser Gi Hong and Deokjung Lee, “Sub-cell Balanced Nodal Expansion Methods using S4 Eigenfunctions for Multi-Group SN Transport Problems in Slab Geometry,” Journal of Nuclear Science and Technology, Vol.52, p.315-331(2015). (제1저자) ● Jong Woon Kim, Ser Gi Hong, and Young-Ouk Lee, “Computational Efficiency of a Modified Scattering Kernel for Full-Coupled Photon-Electron Transport Parallel Computing with Unstructured Tetrahedral Meshes,” Nuclear Engineering and Technology, Vol.46, (2014). ● Wu Seung You and Ser Gi Hong, “Annular Type Sodium Cooled TRU Transmutation Reactor Cores having Thorium Blankets and Central Non-Fuel Region,” Transactions of the American Nuclear Society, Vol. 110, p.588-590 (2014). ● Ser Gi Hong and Jae Seung Song, “A Preliminary Simulation Study of Dynamic Rod Worth for the SMART (System-integrated Modular Advanced ReacTor) Reactor,” Annals of Nuclear Energy , Vol. 60, p.350 (2013). ● Kang-Seog Kim and Ser Gi Hong, “Gamma Transport and Diffusion Calculation Capability Coupled with Neutron Transport Simulation in KARMA 1.2,” Annals of Nuclear Energy , Vol.57, p.59-67 (2013). ● Ser Gi Hong, Sang Yoon Park, Kyung Hoon Lee, Jin Young Cho, Chang Keun Jo, Won Jae Lee, and Francesco Venneri, “Physics Study of Deep-Burning of Spent Fuel Transuranics using Commercial LWR Cores,” Nuclear Engineering and Design, Vol.259, p.79-86 (2013). ● Ser Gi Hong, “Two Sub-Cell Balance Methods for Solving the Multi-Group Discrete Ordinates Transport Equation with Tetrahedral Meshes,” Nuclear Science and Engineering, Vol.173, p.101-117(2013). ● Kyung Hoon Lee, Kang-Seog Kim, Ser Gi Hong, and Jae Seung Song, “Benchmark Calculations for the CE Critical Experiments by KARMA1.1 with ENDF/B-VI R8 and ENDF/B-VIIR0,” Journal of the Korean Physical Society, Vol.50, No.2, 1203~1206 (2011). ● Jong Woon Kim, Ser Gi Hong, Young Ouk Lee, and Byung-Joo Min, “An Extension of the Non-negative Scattering Cross Section Generation Method for a Three-Dimensional Geometry with Unstructured Tetrahedral Mesh,” Journal of the Korean Physical Society, Vol.59, No.2, p.2079 (2011). ● Kang-Seog Kim and Ser Gi Hong, “A New Procedure for Resonance Integral Table with an Explicit Resonance Interference Effect for Transport Lattice Codes,” Annals of Nuclear Energy Vol.38, p.118, 2011. ● Kang-Seog Kim and Ser Gi Hong, “Method of Characteristics Applied to Solving Slowing Down Equation to Estimate the Self-Shielded Resonance Cross Sections with an Explicit Geometric Effect,” Annals of Nuclear Energy Vol.38, p.438, 2011. ● Ser Gi Hong and Kang-Seog Kim, “Iterative Resonance Self-Shielding Methods using Resonance Integral Table in Heterogeneous Lattice Calculations,” Annals of Nuclear Energy Vol.38, p.32, 2011. ● Sang Ji Kim, YongHee Kim, and Ser Gi Hong, et al., “System Design and Analysis of a 900MW(thermal) Lead-Cooled Fast Reactor,” Nuclear Technology, Vol.170, p.148 (2010). ● Ser Gi Hong, Kang-Seog Kim, and Jae Seung Song, “Fourier Convergence Analysis of the Rebalance Methods for Discrete Ordinates Transport Equations in Eigenvalue Problems,” Nuclear Science and Engineering, Vol.164, p.33(2009). ● Young In Kim, Ser Gi Hong, and DoHee Hahn, “SFR Deployment Strategy for the Re-Use of Spent Fuel in Korea,” Nuclear Engineering and Technology, 40, No.6, p.517 (2008). ● Ehud Greenspan, Ser Gi Hong et al., “Innovations in the ENHS Reactor Design and Fuel Cycle,” Progress in Nuclear Energy, Vol.50, p.129, 2008. ● Ser Gi Hong, Yonghee Kim, and F. Venneri, “Characterization of A Sodium-Cooled Fast Reactor in An MHR-SFR Synergy for TRU Transmutation,” Annals of Nuclear Energy, Vol.35, p.141, 2008. ● Ser Gi Hong, Sang Ji Kim, and Yeong Il Kim, “Annular Fast Reactor Cores with Low Sodium Void Worth for TRU Burning,” Nuclear Technology, Vol.162, p.1, 2008. ● Ser Gi Hong and Ehud Greenspan, “Molten Salt Cooled Encapsulated Nuclear Heat Source (ENHS)-Like Reactors,” Progress in Nuclear Energy, Vol.47, p239, 2005. ● Ser Gi Hong and Ehud Greenspan, “Power Flattening Options for the ENHS (Encapsulated Nuclear Heat Source) Core,” Progress in Nuclear Energy, Vol.47, p.178, 2005. ● Ser Gi Hong, Ehud Greenspan, and Yeong Il Kim, “The Encapsulated Nuclear Heat Source (ENHS) Reactor Core Design,” Nuclear Technology, Vol.149, p.22, 2005. ● Ser Gi Hong and Nam Zin Cho, “The Infinite Medium Greens Function Method for Multigroup Discrete Ordinates Transport Problems in Multi-Layered Slab Geometry,” Annals of Nuclear Energy, Vol.28, p. 1101(2001). ● Kap Suk Moon, Nam Zin Cho, Jae Man Noh and Ser Gi Hong, “Acceleration of the Analytic Function Expansion Nodal Method by Two-Factor Two-Node Nonlinear Iteration,” Nuclear Science and Engineering, Vol.132, 194(1999). ● Ser Gi Hong and Nam Zin Cho, “Method of Characteristic Direction Probabilities for Heterogeneous Lattice Calculation,” Nuclear Science and Engineering, Vol.132, 65(1999). ● Ser Gi Hong and Nam Zin Cho, “CRX : A Code for Rectangular and Hexagonal Lattices Based on the Method of Characteristics,” Annals of Nuclear Energy, Vol.25, 547(1998). ● Ser Gi Hong and Nam Zin Cho, “A Rebalance Approach to Nonlinear Iteration for Solving the Neutron Transport Equations,” Annals of Nuclear Energy, Vol.24, 147(1997).
[ANS Transactions] ● Sungho Moon, Jong Hoon Kim, Myung Hyun Kim, and Ser Gi Hong, “Subcriticality Measurement using Feynman- Analysis with a Fully Random Sampling and Second-order Filtering Technique for AGN-201K,” Transactions of the American Nuclear Society, Vol.121, p.961-964 (2019). ● Dong Jin Kim, Kyu Jung Choi, Ser Gi Hong, “Determination of Bounding Axial Burnup Profiles for Criticality Analysis with Burnup Credit for Spent Fuel Discharged from OPR-1000,” Transactions of the American Nuclear Society, Vol.121, p.965-968 (2019). ● Ye Seul Cho, Ser Gi Hong, “Analysis of Operational History Effects on the Shielding Calculation of the KN-12 Cask using Monaco/MAVRIC,” Transactions of the American Nuclear Society, Vol.121, p.1249-1252 (2019). (ANS Winter Meeting, Washington DC, November 17-21) ● Habib Muhammad and Ser Gi Hong, “Effective Use of the Linear Fine Mesh Rebalance for the DSA of SN Transport Equation with Tetrahedral Meshes,” Transactions of the American Nuclear Society, Vol.118, p.376-379 (2018). ● Dae Hee Hwang, Ye Seul and Ser Gi Hong, “TRU Multi-Recycling Analysis in SMR Core with MOX Rods and FCM Rods,” Transactions of the American Nuclear Society, Vol.119, p.215-218 (2018). ● Ser Gi Hong, HaeLee Hyun, Wuseung You, “Ultra-Long-Life Fast Reactor Cores having Axial Blanket-Driver-Blanket Burnup Strategy with Thorium and PWR Spent Fuel,” Transactions of the American Nuclear Society, Vol. 115, p.1321-1323 (2016). ● Hosoeng Yoo and Ser Gi Hong, “A Simulation of Rod Ejection Accident in an Advanced Small PWR Core without Soluble Boron, Transactions of the American Nuclear Society, Vol. 115, p.1331-1333 (2016). ● Hoseong You and Ser Gi Hong, “Low Boron Concentration Small PWR Core Designs using Advanced Particle Burnable Poisons,” Transactions of the American Nuclear Society, Vol.113, p.889-892, 2015. ● HaeRi Hyun, Ser Gi Hong, and Wuseung You, “Physics Study of Sodium Cooled Ultra-Long-Life Core using New Driver-Blanket Burnup Strategy,” Transactions of the American Nuclear Society, Vol.113, p.1099-1102, 2015. ● Gonghoon Bae and Ser Gi Hong, “Neutronic Design Study of New Small LWR Core having ThO2-UO2 and FCM Particle Fuel for TRU Burning,” Transactions of the American Nuclear Society, Vol. 111, p.272-276 (2014). ● Ser Gi Hong, Do-Yeon Kim, Hae Lee Hyun, Goonghoon Bae, and Ho Jin Park, “Benchmarking of Depletion Calculations for LWR Fuel Assemblies using ThO2-UO2 pins and TRU FCM Pins,” Transactions of the American Nuclear Society, Vol. 109, p.1494-1496 (2013). (2013 ANS winter meeting, Washington DC, Nov. 11-14). ● Gonghoon Bae, Ser Gi Hong, “Effects of the Burnable Poison Particles in LWR Fuel Assemblies using ThO2-UO2 pins and TRU FCM Pins,” Transactions of the American Nuclear Society, Vol. 109, p.1497-1499 (2013). (2013 ANS winter meeting, Washington DC, Nov. 11-14). ● Hyun Chul Lee, Ser Gi Hong, Tae Young Han, Jin Young Cho, Chang Keun Jo, and Jae Man Noh, “Improvement of DeCART Depletion Calculation for VHTR Fuel Elements,” Transactions of the American Nuclear Society, Vol. 106, p.685-688 (2012). ● Ser Gi Hong, Francesco Venneri, Kyung Hoon Lee, Jin Young Cho, Sang Yoon Park, and Chang Keun Jo, “Physics Characteristic Evaluation of Fuel Assemblies using FCM (Fully Ceramic Micro-encapsulated) Fuel for the Deep Burn Management of Transuranics in LWRs,” Transactions of the American Nuclear Society, 105, 777 (2011). ● Ser Gi Hong and Young Ouk Lee, “Subcell Balance Methods with Linear Discontinuous Expansion for Sn Transport Calculations on Tetrahedral Meshes,” Transactions of the American Nuclear Society, 103, 354 (2010). ● Ser Gi Hong, Kang-Seog Kim, and Jae Seung Song, “A Resonance Integral Table-based Iteration Method for Resonance Treatment in Lattice Calculation,” Transactions of the American Nuclear Society, 102, p.536, 2010 (Annual Meeting). ● Ser Gi Hong and Yonghee Kim, “Annular Sodium-Cooled TRU Burners having Improved Safety and Performance,” Transactions of the American Nuclear Society, 96, 2007 (Winter Meeting). ● Ser Gi Hong, Yeong Il Kim, and Sang Ji Kim, “Neutronic Design Study of A TRU Transmutation Core using Void Duct Assemblies,” Transactions of the American Nuclear Society, Vol.93, 2006. ● Ser Gi Hong, Ehud Greenspan, “Alternative ENHS Core Designs for Increasing Reactivity Worth of Control Elements,” Transactions of the American Nuclear Society, Vol.92, 2005. ● Ser Gi Hong, Ehud Greenspan, “Reactivity and Power Effects of Fission Gas Release in Pb and Na Cooled ENHS Cores,” Transactions of the American Nuclear Society, Vol.92, 2005. ● Ser Gi Hong, Ehud Greenspan, and Yeong Il Kim, “A Feasibility Study of Small-Size Molten-Salt Cooled Long Life Cores,” Transactions of the American Nuclear Society, Vol.91, p.540, 2005. ● Ser Gi Hong, Ehud Greenspan, and Yeong Il Kim, “ENHS (Encapsulated Nuclear Heat Source) Reactor Core Design for Reduced Power,” Transactions of the American Nuclear Society, Vol.91, p.537, 2005. ● Ser Gi Hong, Sang Ji Kim, Young Jin Kim and Yeong Il Kim., “High-Order Function Expansion Nodal Methods for the Even-Parity Transport Equation in Slab Geometry,” Transactions of the American Nuclear Society, Vol.86, p.215 (2002). ● Ser Gi Hong, Ehud Greenspan, Yeong Il Kim, “Once-for-Life Core for the Encapsulated Nuclear Heat Source (ENHS) Reactor,” Transactions of the American Nuclear Society, Vol.86, p.348 (2002). ● Ser Gi Hong and Yeong Il Kim, “Comparison of the ENDF/B-VI and JEF2.2 Nuclear Data for the ENHS Benchmark Problem,” Transactions of the American Nuclear Society, Vol.85, p.111 (2001). ● Nam Zin Cho, Gil Soo Lee, Ser Gi Hong, Chang Keun Cho, and Kyung Taek Lee, “Whole-Core Heterogeneous Transport Calculations and Their Comparison with Diffusion Results,” Transactions of the American Nuclear Society, Vol.83, 292(2000). ● Ser Gi Hong and Nam Zin Cho, “An Analytic Solution Method for Discrete Ordinates Transport Equations in Slab Geometry with No Truncation Error,” Transactions of the American Nuclear Society, Vol.81, 134(1999). ● Ser Gi Hong and Nam Zin Cho, “Convergence Analysis of the Angular Dependent Rebalance Iteration Method in X-Y Geometry,” Transactions of the American Nuclear Society, Vol.80, 115(1999). ● Ser Gi Hong and Nam Zin Cho, “Angle-Dependent Rebalance Factor Method for Nodal Transport Problems in X-Y Geometry,” Transactions of the American Nuclear Society, Vol.79, 139(1998). ● Ser Gi Hong and Nam Zin Cho, “Interface Angular Flux Coupling Method with Characteristic Direction Probabilities for Lattice Calculation,” Transactions of the American Nuclear Society, Vol.77, 389(1997).
[International Conferences] ● Che Wook Yim, Ser Gi Hong, Chang Ho Shin, “GIS-based Approach to Select Critical Group for Dose Assessment in Nuclear Power Plant Decommissioning Site,” ICRS-14 & RPSD-2021, September 12-16, 2021, Seattle, WA. ● Jae Hyun KIM, Myeong Hyeon WOO, Chang Ho SHIN, Ser Gi HONG, “New mesh-based R2S method in shutdown dose rates analysis in the fusion energy systems,” Poster, 31st Symposium on Fusion Technology (SOFT2020) ● Jae Hyun KIM, Myeong Hyeon WOO, Chang Ho SHIN, Ser Gi HONG, “New mesh-based R2S method in shutdown dose rates analysis in the fusion energy systems,” Abstract, 31st Symposium on Fusion Technology (SOFT2020) ● Yeong Uk Jo and Ser Gi Hong, “A Neutronic Study of Small Long-Cylce Fast Reactor Core with Recycling,” GLOBAL2019- International Nuclear Fuel Cycle Conference, September 22-26, Seatle, USA (2019). ● Kyu Jung Choi, Dong Jin Kim, Ye Seul Cho, Na Yeon Seo, Ser Gi Hong, Ki-Young Kim, “Determination of Bounding Axial Burnup Distributions for PWR Spent Fuel Assemblies Discharged from Nuclear Power Plants in South Korea,” ICNC 2019- 11th International Conference on Nuclear Criticality Safety, September 15-20, 2019, Paris, France. ● Habib Muhammad and Ser Gi Hong, “Application of Preconditioned Conjugate Gradient Method to Fine Mesh Rebalance for Accelerating DSA Equation on Tetrahedral Meshes,” International Conference on Mathematics and Computational Methods (M&C2019) applied to Nuclear Science and Engineering, Portland, Oregon, August 25-19, 2019. ● GyeongMi Kim, GunHee Jung, Ser Gi Hong, Daesik Yook, Ara Go, “Estimation of Radiation Source Terms of Hanbit Unit 3 Spent Fuel with Realistic Spent Fuel Data,” Proceedings of the WM 2019 (Waste Management 2019), March 3-7, 2019, Phoenix, Arizona, USA. ● Wuseung You and Ser Gi Hong, “An Equilibrium and Transition Cycle Analysis of Hybrid Fueled Sodium Cooled Burner Core,” 6th International Conference on Nuclear and Renewable Energy Resources (NURER2018), September 30 ~ October 3, 2018, Jeju, Republic of Korea. ● Jae Yeon Choi and Ser Gi Hong, “A Core Physics Analysis of Small Modular Reactor Design with Annular FCM Fuel Rods,” 6th International Conference on Nuclear and Renewable Energy Resources (NURER2018), September 30 ~ October 3, 2018, Jeju, Republic of Korea. ● Yeong Uk Jo and Ser Gi Hong, “Physics Analysis of Sodium-Cooled Small Ultra-Long-Life Core with Partial Recycling,” 6th International Conference on Nuclear and Renewable Energy Resources (NURER2018), September 30 ~ October 3, 2018, Jeju, Republic of Korea. ● Na Yeon Seo and Ser Gi Hong, “A PWR-Based SMR Core Design using Nitride Kernel FCM Fuel and Graphite-Based Reflector,” PBNC 2018 Pacific Basin Nuclear Conference, September 30-October 4, 2018, San Francisco, CA, USA. ● Kyu Jung Choi, Yeonguk Jo, and Ser Gi Hong, “A Neutronic Design Study of Small Ultra-Long-Life SFR Core using Serpent Heterogeneous Monte Carlo Calculation,” PBNC 2018 Pacific Basin Nuclear Conference, September 30-October 4, 2018, San Francisco, CA, USA. ● Habib Muhammad and Ser Gi Hong, “Diffusion Synthetic Acceleration (DSA) for SN Transport Equation with the Linear Discontinuous Expansion Method with Subcell Balance, Proceedings of PHYSOR 2018, Cancun, Mexico, April 22-26, 2018. ● Geon Hee Jung, Yeong Uk Jo, and Ser Gi Hong, “Alternative Design Options for Small Safe Ultra-Long-Life Sodium Cooled Fast Reactor Core using Heterogeneous Assemblies,” Proceedings of PHYSOR 2018, Cancun, Mexico, April 22-26, 2018. ● Ye Seul Cho, Dae Hee Hwang, and Ser Gi Hong, “A Neutronic Study of TRU Multi-Recycling in MOX and FCM Fueled PWR Assemblies,” Proceedings of PHYSOR 2018, Cancun, Mexico, April 22-26, 2018. ● GyeongMi Kim, GeonHee Jung, Dae Sik Yook, and Ser Gi Hong, “Characterization of Accumulated Nuclear Fuel in South Korea with Scenario,” 2017 Nuclear Criticality Safety Division Topical Meeting, September 10-15, 2017, Carlsbad, NM, USA. ● WuSeung You and Ser Gi Hong, “A Fuel Cycle Analysis of the TRU Burning Strategies using Advances SFRs,” Proceedings of the Reactor Physics Asia 2017 (RPHA17) Conference, Chengdu, China, August 24-25, 2017. ● WuSeung You and Ser Gi Hong, “A Design Option Study for Sodium Cooled Fast Reactor Cores having High Transuranics Nuclides Burning Rate,” Proceedings of GLOBAL 2017, September 24-29, 2017, Seoul, Korea. ● Wang Kee In, Ser Gi Hong, Tae Wan Kim, Tae Hyun Chun,and Chang Hwan Shin, “Nuclear Design and Safety Analysis of Accident Tolerant Fuel Candidates in OPR1000,” 2017 Water Reactor Fuel Performance Meeting, September 10~14, 2017, Ramada Plaza, Jeju, Korea. ● Dae Hee Hwang, Ser Gi Hong, and Wang Kee In, “Simulation of Rod Ejection Accident in Commercial PWR Core using Micro-Cell UO2-MO (Cr) Pellets and Cr-based Cladding Coating,” 2017 Water Reactor Fuel Performance Meeting, September 10~14, 2017, Ramada Plaza, Jeju, Korea. ● J.Y. CHOI, D. H. HWANG, S.G HONG, W.J. LEE, and F. Venneri, "A SMR RWR Reactor Core Design using Nitride FCM Fuels with FeCrAl Cladding and Forced Convection Circulation", 37th Annual Conference of the Canadian Nuclear Society and 41st Annual CNS/CNA Student Conference, Niagara Falls, Canada, June 4-7, 2017. ● D. H. HWANG, J.Y. CHOI, S.G HONG, W.J. LEE, and F. Venneri, "A Small Modular PWR Core Design using Nitride FCM Fuels with FeCrAl Cladding for Natural Circlutaion", 37th Annual Conference of the Canadian Nuclear Society and 41st Annual CNS/CNA Student Conference, Niagara Falls, Canada, June 4-7, 2017 ● Seong Jae Cheon, Ser Gi Hong, Young Suk Nam, and Jung Hun Lee, “A Radiation Analysis of 500W RTPV System having Cylindrical Sources,” Proceedings of ICRS2016, Paris, France, Oct. 3-6, 2016. ● Ho Seung Yoo, Dae Hee Hwang, Ser Gi Hong, Won Jae Lee, and Francesco Venneri, “A Neutronic Exploration of LWR Fuel Assembly using FCM Fuels for SMR Application,” Proceedings of the 10th International Conference of the Croatian Nuclear Society, Zadar, Croatia, June 5-8, 2016. ● WuSeung You, Ser Gi Hong, “A Proliferation-Resistance Analysis for Sodium-Cooled Fast Burner Core having Thorium Blankets,” Proceedings of PBNC 2016, Beijing, China, April 5-9, 2016. ● Dae Hee Hwang and Ser Gi Hong, “Neutonic Analysis of Commercial PWR Cores using Two Accident Tolerant Fuels,” Proceedings of PHYSOR2016, Sun Valley, ID, May 1-5, USA, 2016. ● Hoseong Yoo, Dae Hee Hwang, and Ser Gi Hong, “New Small Long-Cycle PWR Core using Particle Burnable Poisons for Boron-Free Operation,” Proceedings of PHYSOR2016, Sun Valley, ID, May 1-5, USA, 2016. ● HaeLee Hyun and Ser Gi Hong, “A Conceptual Design Study of New Ultra-Long-Life Sodium-Cooled Cores,” Proceedings of ICENES17, Istanbul, May 10-14, 2015. ● HaeLee Hyun and Ser Gi Hong, “A Comparative Physics Study of New Ultra-Long-Life Sodium-Cooled Cores using Uranium and Thorium Fuels,” Proceedings of the Reactor Physics Asia 2015 (RPHA15) Conference, Jeju, Korea, Sept. 16-18, 2015. ● WuSeung You and Ser Gi Hong, “A Comparative Neutronic Analysis of the Sodium Cooled Fast TRU Burning Cores using Uranium and Thorium Metallic Fuels,” Proceedings of Global2015, September 20-24, 2015, Paris, France. ● D. H. Hwang, S. G. Hong, J. C. Kim, G. D. Kim, and Y. K. Kim, “High-rate Fast Neutron Flux Measurement in RAON neutron science facility using MICROMEGAS,” International Conference on Accelerators and Beam Utilization ICABU2014: 12-14 Nov. 2014, Daejeon, Korea. ● Do Yeon Kim and Ser Gi Hong, “Neutronic Design of Advanced Sodium Cooled TRU Burner Cores using Moderator Rods and Absorber Region,” The 19th Pacific Basin Nuclear Conference (PBNC 2014), Vancouver, British Columbia, Canada, August 24-28, 2014. ● Wu Seung You and Ser Gi Hong, “Advanced Sodium Cooled Fast Reactor Cores having Thorium Blankets for Effective Burning of Transuranic Nuclides,” PHYSOR 2014- The Role of Reactor Physics Toward a Sustainable Future, Kyoto, Japan, September 28-October 3, 2014. ● Ser Gi Hong, Jong Woon Kim, Do Heon Kim, and Young Ouk Lee, “Development of a Multi-Group SN Transport Calculation with Unstructured Tetrahedral Meshes,” PHYSOR 2014 - The Role of Reactor Physics Toward a Sustainable Future, Kyoto, Japan, September 28-October 3, 2014. ● Gonghoon Bae, Ser Gi Hong and Ho Jin Park, “LWR Fuel Assembly Designs for the Transmutation of LWR Spent Fuel TRU with FCM and UO2-ThO2 Fuels,” International Conference on Mathematics and Computational Methods Applied to Nuclear Science & Engineering (M&C 2013), Sun Valley, Idaho, USA, May 5-9, 2013. ● L.L. Snead, Y, Katoh, F. Venneri, T. Hinoki, K. A. Terrani, J.C. Gehin, M. Todosow, J.O. Kiggans, S. G. Hong, “Microencapsulated Fuels applied to LWR Reactors,” GLOBAL 2011, Dec. 11-16, Makuhari Messe, Chiba, Japan 2011. ● L.L. Snead, Y. Katoh, K.A. Terrani, J.C. Gehin, T. Hinoki, M. Todosow, F. Venneri, and S. G. Hong, “Microencapsulated Fuels for Next Generation LWRs,” 2nd International Symposium on Advanced Energy Science : Zero Emission Energy Systems, Sep. 27-28, Kyoto, Japan 2011. ● Jong Woon Kim, Ser Gi Hong, and Young-ouk Lee, “MUST Code Verification and Validation on the Shielding Test Problems,” ICRS-12 & RPSD-2012, September 2-7, 2012, Nara, Japan. ● Kyung Hoon Lee, Kang-Seog Kim, Ser Gi Hong, and Jae Seung Song, “KARMA1.1 Benchmark Calculations for the Numerical Benchmark Problems and the Critical Experiments,” Int. Conf. on Mathematics and Computational Methods Applied to Nuclear Science and Engineering (M&C2011), Rio de Janeiro, RJ, Brazil, May 8-12, 2011. ● Ser Gi Hong, Kang-Seog Kim, Jin Young Cho, and Kyung Hoon Lee, “Neutron/Gamma Coupled Library Generation and Gamma Transport Calculation with KARMA1.2,” PHYSOR2012 – Advances in Reactor Physics, Knoxville, Tennessee, USA, April 15-20, 2012. ● Ser Gi Hong, Sang Yoon Park, Kyung Hoon Lee, Jin Young Cho, Chang Keun Jo, Kyo Youn Kim, Won Jae Lee and Francesco Venneri, “A Neutronic Feasibility Study on the Deep-Burning of TRU in a Commercial LWR core,” Proceedings of GLOBAL 2011, Makuhari, Japan, Dec. 11-16, 2011. ● Ser Gi Hong, Yong-Hee Kim, and Francesco Venneri, “Sodium-Cooled Fast Reactor Core Designs for Transmutation of MHR Spent Fuel,” Proceedings of ICAPP’10, San Diego, CA, USA, June 13-17, 2010. ● Ser Gi Hong, Young Ouk Lee, and Jae Seung Song, “Convergence Analysis of the Rebalance Methods in Multiplying Finite Slab having Periodic Boundary Conditions,” INAC2009 (2009 Int. Nuclear Atlantic Conference, Rio de Janeiro, Brazil, Set. 27 ~ Oct. 2, 2009.) ● Ser Gi Hong, Kang Seog Kim, and Jae Seung Song, “On the Convergence of the Rebalance Methods for Transport Equation for Eigenvalue Problems,” Int. Conf. On the Physics of Reactors, Casino-Kursal Conference Center, Interlaken, Switzerland, Sep. 14-19, 2008. ● Ser Gi. Hong, Yonghee Kim, and Francesco Venneri, “Neutronic Characterization of Sodium-Cooled Fast Reactor in An MHR-SFR Synergy for TRU Transmutation,” Proceedings of ICAPP2007, Nice, France, May 13-18, 2007. ● Ser Gi Hong, Sang Ji Kim and Yeong Il Kim, “A New Concept of the KALIMER-600 Core Design,” Proceedings of ICAPP2007, Nice, France, May 13-18, 2007. ● Ehud Greenspan, Ser Gi Hong, et al., “Encapsulated Nuclear Heat Source Reactors for Energy Security,” 15’th Pacific Basin Conference (PBNC), Sydney, October, 18, 2006. ● Ser Gi Hong and Ehud Greenspan, “Use of Minor Actinides for Reduced Power ENHS Core Design,” Proc. of GLOBAL 2005, Tsukuba Science City, October 9-13, 2005, Japan. ● Ser Gi Hong, Sang Ji Kim, Dohee Hahan and Hak Ro Kim, “A 900MWt Lead Cooled Core Design Study for Transuranic Nuclides Transmutation with Nitride Fuels,” International Congress on Advanced Nuclear Power Plants (ICAPP’05), Seoul, Korea. ● E. Greenspan, S. G. Hong, “Molten Salt Cooled ENHS (Encapsulated Nuclear Heat Source) Reactors,” The 1st COE-INES International Symposium on Innovative Nuclear Energy Systems (INES-1), October 31, 2004, Tokyo, Japan. ● S. G. Hong and E. Greenspan, “Power Flattening Options for the ENHS Core,” The 1st COE-INES International Symposium, on Innovative Nuclear Energy Systems (INES-1), October 31, 2004, Tokyo, Japan. ● S. G. Hong, Sang Ji Kim, Hoon Song, and Yeong Ii Kim, “Neutronic Design of KALIMER-600 Core with Moderator Rods,” Proceedings of International Congress on Advanced Nuclear Power Plants (ICAPP04), Pittsburgh, PA USA, June 13-17, 2004, paper No. 4297. ● S. G. Hong, Sang Ji Kim, and Nam Il Tak, “900MWt Lead-Alloy Cooled Fuel-Self-Sufficient Cores with Single Enriched Nitride Fuel,” Global03, November 16-20, New Orleans, Louisiana, USA, 2003. ● S. G. Hong and E. Greenspan, Yeong Il Kim, and Hak Ro Kim, “ENHS (Encapsulated Nuclear Heat Source) Core Designs with Nitride Fuel,” Global03, November 16-20, New Orleans, Louisiana, USA, 2003. ● S. G. Hong, and S. J. Kim, “Neutronic Design of 900MWt Pb-Alloy Cooled Breakeven Cores with Nitride Fuel,” The 18th KAIF & KNS Conference, 2003, Seoul, Korea. ● S. G. Hong. E. Greenspan, and Y. I. Kim, “Alternative Design Options for the ENHS Reactor Core,” International Congress on Advanced Nuclear Power Plants (ICAPP03), Cordoba, Spain, 2003. ● S. G. Hong, E. Greenspan, Y. G. Kim and Y. I. Kim, “Once for Life Core Design for the Encapsulated Nuclear Heat Source (ENHS) Reactor,” International Conference on the New Frontiers of Nuclear Technology : Reactor Physics, Safety and High-Performance Computing (PHYSOR2002), Seoul, Korea 2002. ● E. Greenspan, D. Wade, A. Barak, N. Brown, M. Carelli, L. Conway, M. Dzodzo, E. Feldman, S. G. Hong et al., “The Encapsulated Nuclear Heat Source Reactor for Countries with Small and Medium Electricity Grid,” Fourth International Conference on Nuclear Option in Countries with Small and Medium Electricity Grid, Dubrovnik, 16-20 June 2002. ● D. Barnes, M. Milosevic, H. Sagara, K. Wang, E. Greenspan, J. Vujic, Z. Shayer, K. Grimm, R. Hill, Ser Gi Hong and Y. I. Kim, “The ENHS Core Benchmark,” International Conference on the New Frontiers of Nuclear Technology : Reactor Physics, Safety and High-Performance Computing (PHYSOR2002), Seoul, Korea 2002. ● Ser Gi Hong and Yeong Il Kim, “A Comparative Neutronics Analysis by Using ENDF/B-VI and JEF2.2 Nuclear Libraries for the ENHS Core Benchmark Problem,” International Conference on the New Frontiers of Nuclear Technology : Reactor Physics, Safety and High-Performance Computing (PHYSOR2002), Seoul, Korea 2002. ● Ser Gi Hong, Sang Ji Kim, Young Jin Kim and Yeong Il Kim, “The Eigenfunction Expansion Nodal Methods for the Even-Parity Transport Equation with Anisotropic Scattering,” International Conference on the New Frontiers of Nuclear Technology : Reactor Physics, Safety and High-Performance Computing (PHYSOR2002), Seoul, Korea 2002. ● E. Greenspan, A. Barak, J. Buongiorno, N. W. Brown, M. D. Carelli, L. Conway, M. Dzodzo, E. Feldman, Ser Gi Hong et al., “The Long-Life Core Encapsulated Nuclear Heat Source (ENHS) Generation IV Reactor,” Int. Congress on Advanced Nuclear Power Plants (ICAPP), June 9-13, Hollywood, Florida, USA, 2002. ● Nam Zin Cho, Ser Gi Hong, Tae Hyeong Kim, Ehud Greenspan, and W. E. Kastenberg, “Fuel Self-Sufficient and Low Proliferation Risk Multi-Recycling of Spent Fuel,” The 13th KAIF/KNS Annual Conference, April 14-16, Seoul, Korea, p.147, 1998. ● Gil Soo Lee, Nam Zin Cho and Ser Gi Hong, “Acceleration and Parallelization of the Method of Characteristics for Lattice and Whole-core Heterogeneous Calculations,” 2000 ANS Int. Top. Meeting on Advanced in Reactor Physics and Mathematics and Computation into Next Millennium, May 7-12, 2000, Pittsburgh, USA, 2000. ● Ser Gi Hong and Nam Zin Cho, “Angular Dependent Rebalance Iteration for Discrete Ordinates Transport Problems in Equilateral Triangular Meshes,” Int. Conf. on Mathematics and Computation, Reactor Physics and Environmental Analysis in Nuclear Applications, Sep. 27-30, 1999, Madrid, Spain, Vol. 1, p.74, 1999. ● Ehud Greenspan, Nam Zin Cho, Ser Gi Hong, Tae Hyung Kim, and W. E. Kastenberg, “Multi-Recycling of Spent Fuel with Low Proliferation Risk,” Int. Conf. on Emerging Nuclear Energy Systems, June 28- July 2, Tel-Aviv, Israel, Vol. 1, p.455, 1998. ● Ser Gi Hong and Nam Zin Cho, “A Rebalance Nonlinear Iteration Method for Solving the Neutron Transport Equations,” Proc. Int. Conf. on the Physics of Reactors, Sep. 16-20, Mito, Japan, Vol. 1A, p.376, 1996. ● Nam Zin Cho and Ser Gi Hong, “CRX : A Transport Theory Code for Cell and Assembly Calculations Based on Characteristic Method,” Proc. Int. Conf. on the Physics of Reactors, Sep. 16-20, Mito, Japan, Vol. 1A, p.250, 1996.
[Domestic Journals] ● Ser Gi Hong and Nam Zin Cho, “Extension of Streaming Rays Method for Streaming Dominant Neutron Transport Problems,” Journal of Korean Nuclear Society, 28, 320(1996). ● Ser Gi Hong, Nam Zin Cho and Jae Man Noh, “A Three-Dimensional Nodal Diffusion Code Based on the AFEN Methodology,” Journal of Korean Nuclear Society, 27, 870(1995). ● Nam Zin Cho and Ser Gi Hong, “Mathematical Adjoint Solution to Analytic Function Expansion Nodal (AFEN) Method,” Journal of Korean Nuclear Society, 27, 374(1995).
[Domestic Conference Papers] ● Yu Yeon Cho, Ser Gi HONG, “Neutronic Analysis of the Moderator Effect for an Ultra Long Cycle SMSFR (Small Modular Sodium-cooled Fast Reactor),” Transactions of the Korean Nuclear Society Autumn Meeting Changwon, Korea, October 22-23, 2020 ● Myeong Hyeon Woo, Ta Duy Long, Ser Gi Hong, “Development of Multi-group Cross Section Processing Program for MUST Unstructured Discrete Ordinate Transport Code,” Transactions of the Korean Nuclear Society Autumn Meeting Changwon, Korea, October 22-23, 2020 ● Geon Hee Park a, Dong Jin Kim, and Ser Gi Hong, Ara Go, and Dae Sik Yook, “Update of AMORES Programs for Automatic Criticality Safety Evaluation of the Transport CASK,” Transactions of the Korean Nuclear Society Autumn Meeting Changwon, Korea, October 22-23, 2020 ● Kyu Jung Choi, Dong Jin Kim, and Ser Gi Hong, “Analysis of the Criticality of the Spent Fuel Pool on the Consideration of the Spent Fuels having Axial Blanket,” Proceedings of the Korean Radioactive Waste Society Spring, E-conference, July 29-31, 2020. ● Ta Duy Long, Ser Gi Hong, ” Implementation and Verification of adjoint neutron transport calculation in MUST code,” Transactions of the Korean Nuclear Society Spring Meeting Jeju, Korea, July 8-10, 2020 ● Jae Hyun KIM, Myeong Hyeon WOO, Chang Ho SHIN, Ser Gi HONG, “Verification of New Mesh-based Rigorous 2 Step Computational Approach for the Shutdown Dose Rate Distributions in the Fusion Facilities,” Transactions of the Korean Nuclear Society Spring Meeting Jeju, Korea, July 8-10, 2020 ● Dae Hee Hwang, Ser Gi Hong, “Analysis of Fuel Cycle Coupling SMR using Partial TRU Recycling and SFR Burner,” Proceedings of the Korean Radioactive Waste Society Autumn Meeting, Jeju, Korea, October 30 ~ November 1, 2019. ● Ye Seul Cho, Dong Jin Kim, and Ser Gi Hong, “Analysis of Axial Burnup Profile Effects on the Shielding Calculation of the KORAD-21 Cask using Monaco/MAVRIC,” Proceedings of the Korean Radioactive Waste Society Autumn Meeting, Jeju, Korea, October 30 ~ November 1, 2019. ● Geon Hee Jung, Gyeong Mi Kim, Ye Seul Cho, Ser Gi Hong, Ara Go, and Dae Sik Yook, “Development Status of AMORES Program for Automatic Source Term Evaluation of Spent Fuels,” Proceedings of the Korean Radioactive Waste Society Autumn Meeting, Jeju, Korea, October 30 ~ November 1, 2019. ● Kyu Jung Choi, Ser Gi Hong, Ki Young Kim, “Analysis on the End Effects for Spent Fuels having Axial Blankets for Spent Fuel,” Transactions of the Korean Nuclear Society Autumn Meeting, Ilsan, Korea, May 23-24, 2019. ● Duy Long Ta, Ser Gi Hong, Ho Choel Shin, Deokjung Lee, “A Study on Validation of MCS Criticality Calculation with Burnup Credit for TN-32 Cask,” Transactions of the Korean Nuclear Society Autumn Meeting, Ilsan, Korea, May 23-24, 2019. ● Hyuk Kwon, Seogn Jin Kim, Jae Yeon Choi, Ser Gi Hong, “Preliminary Thermal Hydraulic Design of SMR Core with 13x13 Annular Fuel Assemblies,” Transactions of the Korean Nuclear Society Spring Meeting, Jeju, Korea, May 23-24, 2019. ● Habib Muhammad, Ser Gi Hong, “Convergence Analysis of Fine Mesh Rebalance Method Coupled with LDEM-SCB(1) for Diffusion Equation,” Transactions of the Korean Nuclear Society Spring Meeting, Jeju, Korea, May 23-24, 2019. ● Dong Jin Kim, Kyu Jung Choi, Ye Seul Cho, Na Yeon Seo, Ser Gi Hong, Kiyoung Kim, Doekjung Lee, “Production of Axial Burnup Profiles of Spent Nuclear Fuels Discharged from OPR-1000 using STREAM/RAST-K Core Follow Calculations,” Transactions of the Korean Nuclear Society Autumn Meeting, Jeju, Korea, May 23-24, 2019. ● Jae Yeon Choi, Ser Gi Hong, “A Small Modular Reactor Core Deisgn with Annular UO2 and FCM Fuel Rods,” Transactions of the Korean Nuclear Society Autumn Meeting, Jeju, Korea, May 23-24, 2019. ● Ye Seul Cho, Dae Sik Yook, Ara Go, Ser Gi Hong, “A Comparative Shielding Analysis of the KN-12 Cask with MCNP6 and SCALE6.1,” Transactions of the Korean Nuclear Society Autumn Meeting, Jeju, Korea, May 23-24, 2019. ● Ta Duy Long, Ser Gi Hong, Ho Choel Shin, “A Comparative Computational Analysis of the MCS and MCNP6 Monte Carlo Codes for MOX Critical Benchmark Problems,” Transactions of the Korean Nuclear Society Autumn Meeting, Jeju, Korea, May 23-24, 2019. ● Yeonguk Jo, Ser Gi Hong, “Neutronic Analysis of a Small Breed-and-Burn Fast Reactor Cores using Recycling options,” Transactions of the Korean Nuclear Society Autumn Meeting, Jeju, Korea, May 23-24, 2019. ● Geon Hee Park, Ser Gi Hong, “An Estimation of Plutonium Inventories of 5MWe Yongbyon Reactor with MCNP6,” Transactions of the Korean Nuclear Society Autumn Meeting, Jeju, Korea, May 23-24, 2019. ● Ara Go, Daesik Yook, Kyuhwan Jeong, GyeongMi Kim, Gun Hee Jung, and Ser Gi Hong, “Independent Verification of Radioactivity by Spent Fuel Assembly and Independent Verification Program Development,” Transactions of the Korean Nuclear Society Autumn Meeting, Yeosu, Korea, October 25-26, 2018. ● Na Yeon Seo, Jae Yoon Choi, and Ser Gi Hong, “A Comparative Core Physics Analysis on Load Following Operation of UO2 and MOX Fueled Cores,” Transactions of the Korean Nuclear Society Autumn Meeting, Yeosu, Korea, October 25-26, 2018. ● Sung Ho Moon, Chidong Kong, Deokjung Lee, and Ser Gi Hong, “A Computational Simulation of Sub-criticality Measurement using MCNP6 in Zero Power Reactor AGN-201K,” Transactions of the Korean Nuclear Society Autumn Meeting, Yeosu, Korea, October 25-26, 2018. ● Sung Ho Moon, Na Yeon Seo, Yeonguk Jo and Ser Gi Hong, “A Criticality Safety Analysis of the HI-STORM 100 Cask with Burnup Credit,” Transactions of the Korean Nuclear Society Autumn Meeting, Yeosu, Korea, October 25-26, 2018. ● Dae Hee Hwang and Ser Gi Hong, “Void Reactivity Decomposition Analysis for LWR Fuel Assembly having MOX and FCM rods,” Transactions of the Korean Nuclear Society Autumn Meeting, Yeosu, Korea, October 25-26, 2018. ● GyeongMi Kim, Geon Hee Jung, Dae Sik Yook, Ara Go, and Ser Gi Hong, “Analysis of Detailed Operational History Effects on the Spent Fuel Characteristics for Hanbit Unit 3,” Transactions of the Korean Nuclear Society Autumn Meeting, Yeosu, Korea, October 25-26, 2018. ● GyeongMi Kim, Geon Hee Jung, Dae Sik Yook, Ara Go, and Ser Gi Hong, “Spent Fuel Characteristic Analysis with Realistic Irradiation History,” Transactions of the Korean Nuclear Society Spring Meeting, Jeju, Korea, May 16-18, 2018. ● Kyu Jung Choi, Ye Seul Cho, and Ser Gi Hong, “A Criticality Safety Analysis of PWR Spent Fuel Storage Pool with Burnup Credit and Axial Burnup Profile,” Transactions of the Korean Nuclear Society Spring Meeting, Jeju, Korea, May 16-18, 2018. ● Ye Seul Cho, Dae Hee Hwang, and Ser Gi Hong, “A Comparative Study of Recycling Options for High Consumption of TRU using PWR Fuel Assemblies,” Transactions of the Korean Nuclear Society Spring Meeting, Jeju, Korea, May 16-18, 2018. ● Dae Hee Hwang, Jae Yeon Choi, and Ser Gi Hong, “TRU Transmutation in Light Water Cooled SMR Cores Loaded with Fuel Assemblies composed of MOX and FCM Fuel Rods,” Transactions of the Korean Nuclear Society Autumn Meeting, Gyeongju, Korea, Oct. 25-27, 2017. ● Young Ouk Cho and Ser Gi Hong, “A Preliminary Core Design Study of Small Breed-and-Burn (B&B) Ultra-Long-Cycle Core with Semi-Recycling,” Transactions of the Korean Nuclear Society Autumn Meeting, Gyeongju, Korea, Oct. 25-27, 2017. ● Na Yeon Seo, Jae Yeon Choi, and Ser Gi Hong, “Effects of Solid Reflectors for Water-Cooled Small Modular Reactor Core Design using FCM Fuels, Transactions of the Korean Nuclear Society Autumn Meeting, Gyeongju, Korea, Oct. 25-27, 2017. ● Muhammad Habib and Ser Gi Hong, “Diffusion Synthetic Acceleration (DSA) for the Linear Discontinuous Expansion Method with Subcell Balance (LDEM-SCB)”, Transactions of the Korean Nuclear Society Spring Meeting, Jeju, Korea, May 17-19, 2017. ● YeSeul Cho, Dae Hee Hwang, and Ser Gi Hong, “Recycling Study of PWR Spent Fuel TRU in the PWR Fuel Assembly”, Transactions of the Korean Nuclear Society Spring Meeting, Jeju, Korea, May 17-19, 2017. ● GyeongMi Kim, GeonHee Jung, Dae Sik Yook, and Ser Gi Hong, “A Scenario Study on PWR Spent Characteristics using Updated AMORES Program”, Transactions of the Korean Nuclear Society Spring Meeting, Jeju, Korea, May 17-19, 2017. ● WuSeung You and Ser Gi Hong, “Neutronic Study on Sodium-Cooled Fast Burner Cores having Proliferation-Resistance Thorium and Depleted-Uranium Based Blankets,” Transactions of the Korean Nuclear Society Autumn Meeting, Gyeongju, Korea, Oct. 26-28, 2016. ● Jae Yeon Choi, Dae Hee Hwang, Ho Seong Yoo, and Ser Gi Hong, “A Small Modular Reactor Core using FCM Fuel and BISO Particles,” Transactions of the Korean Nuclear Society Autumn Meeting, Gyeongju, Korea, Oct. 26-28, 2016. ● Hyungju Yun, Kwangheon Park, and Ser Gi Hong, “An Evaluation of Depletion Bias and Bias Uncertainty of the GBC Cask with PLUS7 Fuels,” Transactions of the Korean Nuclear Society Autumn Meeting, Gyeongju, Korea, Oct. 26-28, 2016. ● GeonHee Jung, WuSeung You, and Ser Gi Hong, “A Preliminary Design Study of Ultra-Long-Life SFR Cores having Heterogeneous Fuel Assemblies,” Transactions of the Korean Nuclear Society Autumn Meeting, Gyeongju, Korea, Oct. 26-28, 2016. ● Habib Muhammad and Ser Gi Hong, “Application of Coarse Mesh Finite Difference Acceleration to Linear Discontinuous Transport Equation using Discrete Ordinates Method in Slab Geometry,” Transactions of the Korean Nuclear Society Spring Meeting, Jeju, Korea, May 11-13, 2016. ● Hyungju Yun, Kwangheon Park, and Ser Gi Hong, “A Depletion Evaluation of PLUS7 16x16 Fuel Assembly using TRITON,” Transactions of the Korean Nuclear Society Spring Meeting, Jeju, Korea, May 11-13, 2016. ● Ser Gi Hong and WuSeung You, “An Option Study of Sodium-Cooled Burner Cores having Uranium-Free Metallic Fuels,” Transactions of the Korean Nuclear Society Spring Meeting, Jeju, Korea, May 11-13, 2016. ● Seong Jae Cheon and Ser Gi Hong, “A Sensitivity Study on Radiation Dose of 500W RTPV having Different Source Shapes,” Transactions of the Korean Nuclear Society Spring Meeting, Jeju, Korea, May 11-13, 2016. ● WuSeung You and Ser Gi Hong, “A Comparative Depletion Analysis using MCNP6 and REBUS-3 for Advanced SFR Burner Core,” Transactions of the Korean Nuclear Society Spring Meeting, Jeju, Korea, May 11-13, 2016. ● Dae Hee Hwang, Ser Gi Hong, and Wang Kee In, “A Comparative Physics Study of Commercial PWR Cores using Metallic Micro-cell UO2-Cr(or Mo) Pellets with Cr-based Cladding Coating,” Transactions of the Korean Nuclear Society Spring Meeting, Jeju, Korea, May 12-13, Korea. ● Ho Jin Park, Kang Soeg Kim, Ser Gi Hong, and Jin Young Cho, “Multi-Group Library Generation with Explicit Resonance Interference using Continuous Energy Monte Carlo Calculation, Transactions of the Korean Nuclear Society Spring Meeting, Jeju, Korea, May 12-13, Korea. ● Do Yeon Kim, HyongJu Yoon, KwangHeon Park, and Ser Gi Hong, “Criticality Evaluation of GBC-32 Cask with HBN#3 Fuels in PWR Burnup Credit,” Transactions of the Korean Nuclear Society Autumn Meeting, Gyeongju, Korea, October 29-30, 2015. ● Seong Jae Cheon and Ser Gi Hong, “ A Radiation Shielding Analysis for 500W Radioisotope Thermo-Photo-Voltaic (RTPV) System with MCNP6 and MONACO/MAVRIC,” Transactions of the Korean Nuclear Society Autumn Meeting, Gyeongju, Korea, October 29-30, 2015. ● Dae Hee Hwang, Ser Gi Hong, Wang Kee In, “Evaluation of Physical Characateristics of PWR Cores with Accident Tolerant Fuels, Transactions of the Korean Nuclear Society Autumn Meeting, Gyeongju, Korea, October 29-30, 2015. ● Ho Seong Yoo and Ser Gi Hong, “A Comparative Physics Study on Low Boron Concentration Small PWR Core Designs using Different Reflectors,” Transactions of the Korean Nuclear Society Autumn Meeting, Gyeongju, Korea, October 29-30, 2015. ● Ho Seong Yoo, Dae Hee Hwang, and Ser Gi Hong, “New Small LWR Core Designs using Particle Burnable Poisons for Low Boron Concentration,” Transaction of the Korean Nuclear Society Spring Meeting, Jeju, May 7~8, 2015. ● Hae Ri Hyun, Ser Gi Hong, Yong Nam Kim, and Soo Kon Kim, “Determination of an Absorbed Dose of MOSFET Dosimeter using Monte Carlo N-Particle Simulation with Different Tallies and Response Functions,” Transaction of the Korean Nuclear Society Spring Meeting, Jeju, May 7~8, 2015. ● Hyoungju Yoon, Kwangheon Park, and Ser Gi Hong, “A Criticality Evaluation of the GBC-32 Dry Storage Cask in PWR Burnup Credit,” Transaction of the Korean Nuclear Society Spring Meeting, Jeju, May 7~8, 2015. ● WuSeung You and Ser Gi Hong, “An Advanced Option for Sodium Cooled TRU Burner Loaded with Uranium-Free Fuels,” Transaction of the Korean Nuclear Society Spring Meeting, Jeju, May 7~8, 2015. ● Do-Yeon Kim and Ser Gi Hong, “Neutronic Analysis of Advanced SFR Burner Cores using Deep-Burn PWR Spent Fuel TRU Feed,” Transaction of the Korean Nuclear Society Spring Meeting, Jeju, May 7~8, 2015. ● Hae Ri Hyun and Ser Gi Hong, “New Sodium Cooled Long-Life Cores with Axially Multi-Driver Regions,” Transaction of the Korean Nuclear Society Autumn Meeting, Pyeongchang, October 30~31, 2014. ● WuSeung You and Ser Gi Hong, “Sodium-cooled Fast Reactor Cores using Uranium-Free Metallic Fuels for Maximizing TRU Support Ratio,” Transaction of the Korean Nuclear Society Autumn Meeting, Pyeongchang, October 30~31, 2014. ● Do-Yeon Kim, Ser Gi Hong, and Gil Hoon Ahn, “Development of Inverse Estimation Program of Burnup Histories for Nuclear Spent Fuel Based on ORIGEN-S,” Transaction of the Korean Nuclear Society Autumn Meeting, Pyeongchang, October 30~31, 2014. ● Yoo Ho Seong and Ser Gi Hong, “New LWR Fuel Assembly Concepts using Particle Burnable Poisons for Low Boron Concentration,” Transaction of the Korean Nuclear Society Autumn Meeting, Pyeongchang, October 30~31, 2014. ● Jin Hyeong Kim and Ser Gi Hong, “Advanced Small-Safe Long-Life Lead Cooled Reactor Cores for Future Nuclear Energy,” Transaction of the Korean Nuclear Society Autumn Meeting, Pyeongchang, October 30~31, 2014. ● DaeHee Hwang and Ser Gi Hong, “An Optimization Study of LWR Fuel Assembly Design for TRU Burning using FCM and UO2-ThO2 Fuel Pins,” Transaction of the Korean Nuclear Society Spring Meeting, Jeju, May 29~30, 2014. ● WuSeung and Ser Gi Hong, “A Consistent Comparative Study of Advanced Sodium-Cooled Fast Reactor Cores loaded with Thorium and Uranium-based Metallic Fuels,” Transaction of the Korean Nuclear Society Spring Meeting, Jeju, May 29~30, 2014. ● Gonghoon Bae and Ser Gi Hong, “Effects of Radial Reflector Material on the Performances of Small LWR Core Using ThO2-UO2 and FCM Fuels,” Transaction of the Korean Nuclear Society Spring Meeting, Jeju, May 29~30, 2014. ● Do Yeon Kim, Gonghoon Bae, Hae Lee Hyun, and Ser Gi Hong, “A Comparative Depletion Analysis using the DeCART and McCARD Codes for LWR Fuel Assembly having UO2-ThO2 and FCM Pins,” Transaction of the Korean Nuclear Society Spring Meeting, Gwanggu, May 30~31, 2013. ● Wu Seung Yoo, Do Yeon Kim, Hae Lee Hyun, and Ser Gi Hong, “Sodium-cooled Fast Reactor Core Designs for TRU burning with Thorium Blanket,” Transaction of the Korean Nuclear Society Autumn Meeting, Gyeonggu, October 24~25, 2013. ● Gonghoon Bae, Ser Gi Hong, and Kyung Hoon Lee, “A Small LWR Core Design using ThO2-UO2 and Fully Ceramic Micro-encapsulated Fuels for TRU Burning,” Transaction of the Korean Nuclear Society Autumn Meeting, Gyeonggu, October 24~25, 2013. ● DoYeon Kim, Wu Seung Yoo, Hae Lee Hyun, and Ser Gi Hong, “Performance of 400MWe Sodium Cooled Fast Reactor Cores using Thick Duct Assembly for TRU Burning,” Transaction of the Korean Nuclear Society Autumn Meeting, Gyeonggu, October 24~25, 2013. ● Jong Woon Kim, Ser Gi Hong, and Young-ouk Lee, “MUST Code Verification on the Large Scale Benchmark Problem,” Transaction of the Korean Nuclear Society Autumn Meeting, Gyeongju, Korea, October 25-26, 2012. ● Ho Jin Park, Ser Gi Hong, Kang-Seog Kim, Jin Young Cho, and Sang Yun Park, “Generation of Transport Lattice Code KARMA Library with Doppler-Broadening Rejection Correction Method,” Transaction of the Korean Nuclear Society Autumn Meeting, Gyeongju, Korea, October 25-26, 2012. ● Gonghoon Bae and Ser Gi Hong, “TRU Transmutation using ThO2-UO2 and Fully Ceramic Micro-encapsulated Fuels in LWR Fuel Assemblies,” Transaction of the Korean Nuclear Society Autumn Meeting, Gyeongju, Korea, October 25-26, 2012. ● Ser Gi Hong and Jong Woon Kim, “Analyses of Sub-Cell Balance Methods with Linear Discontinuous Expansion for Three-Dimensional Discrete Ordinates Transport Equation,” Transaction of the Korean Nuclear Society Autumn Meeting, Gyeongju, Korea, October 25-26, 2012. ● Hyo Jong Yoo, Han Bit So, and Ser Gi Hong, “A Comparative Analysis of Neutron and Gamma Coupled Transport Calculations using DANSYS, MUST, and MCNP,” Transactions of the Korean Nuclear Society Autumn Meeting, Gyeongju, Korea, October 25-26, 2012. ● 김종운, 홍서기, 이영욱, “Energy Spectrum Calculation by SN Radiation Transport with Unstructured Tetrahedral Mesh,” 2012년도 춘계 학술발표회, 대한방사선방어학회, 2012. ● Jong Woon Kim, Do Heon Kim, Ser Gi Hong and Young-Ouk Lee, “The Effects of the Equivalent Mass Technique in the Criticality Benchmark Problems with Unstructured Tetrahedral Mesh,” Transactions of the Korean Nuclear Society Spring Meeting, Jeju, Korea, May 17-18, 2012. ● Ser Gi Hong, Sang Yoon Park, et al., “A Neutronic Feasibility Study for Deep Burning of Transuranics in LWR Spectrum,” Transactions of the Korean Nuclear Society Autumn Meeting, Gyongju, Korea, October 27-28, 2011. ● Ser Gi Hong, Jong Woon Kim, Young Ouk Lee, and Kyo Youn Kim, “Linear Discontinuous Expansion Method using the Subcell Balances for Unstructured Geometry SN Transport,” Transactions of the Korean Nuclear Society Spring Meeting, Pyeongchang, Korea, May 27, 2010. ● Ser Gi Hong, Jong Woon Kim, et al., “Discontinuous Expansion Methods with First Collision Source for Radiation Transport Calculation,” 2010 춘계 대한방사선 방어학회, 2010, 문경. ● Jong Won Kim, Ser Gi Hong and Young Ouk Lee, “Implementation of the First Collision Source Method in a Three-Dimensional, Unstructured Tetrahedral Mesh, Discrete-Ordinates Code,” Transactions of the Korean Nuclear Society Autumn Meeting, Gyeongju, Korea, October 29-30, 2009. ● Kang Seog Kim, Ser Gi Hong, and Jae Seung Song, “Lattice Transport Code : KARMA1.1,” Transactions of the Korean Nuclear Society Autumn Meeting, Gyeongju, Korea, October 29-30, 2009. ● Ser Gi Hong, Jong Woon Kim, and Young Ouk Lee, “Development of MUST (Multi-group Unstructured geometry SN Transport) Code,” Transactions of the Korean Nuclear Society Autumn Meeting, Gyeongju, Korea, October 29-30, 2009. ● Ser Gi Hong, Kang-Seog Kim, and Jae Seung Song, “A Direct Iteration Method using Resonance Integral Table for the Self-Shielding Calculations,” Transactions of the Korean Nuclear Society Autumn Meeting, Gyeongju, Korea, October 29-30, 2009. ● Jong Woon Kim, Ser Gi Hong, and Young Ouk Lee, “A Comparison of Two Spatial Difference Schemes with an Unstructured Triangular Mesh for a Two-Dimensional Geometry,” Transactions of the Korean Nuclear Society Spring Meeting, Jeju, Korea, May 22, 2009. ● Ser Gi Hong, Yong-Hee Kim, and Francesco Venneri, “A Design and Analysis of Advanced Burner Reactor for MHR-SFR Synergy,” Transactions of the Korean Nuclear Society Autumn Meeting, PyeongChang, Korea, October 30-31, 2008. ● Ser Gi Hong, Kang-Seog Kim, and Jae-Seung Song, “Multi-Group Library Processing for the Transport Lattice Code KARMA,” Transactions of the Korean Nuclear Society Spring Meeting, Gyeongju, Korea, May 29-30, 2008. ● Ser Gi Hong, Kang-Seog Kim, and Jae-Seung Song, “Convergence Analysis of the Rebalance Methods of Discrete Ordinates Transport Equation for Eigenvalue Problems,” Transactions of the Korean Nuclear Society Autumn Meeting, PyeongChang, Korea, October 25-26, 2007. ● Ser Gi Hong, Nam Zin Cho, Kang-Seog Kim and Jae-Seung Song, “A Rapidly Convergent Generalized Rebalance Method (GRM) for Discrete Ordinates Transport Equations,” Transactions of the Korean Nuclear Society Autumn Meeting, Jeju, Korea, May 10 ~ 11, 2007. ● Ser Gi Hong, Jin Wook Jang, and Yeong Il Kim, “The KALIMER-600 Reactor Core Design Concept with Varying Fuel Cladding Thicknesses,” Transactions of the Korean Nuclear Society Autumn Meeting, Gyeongju, Korea, November 2 ~ 3, 2006. ● Ser Gi Hong and Yonghee Kim, “Neutronic Characteristics of a Sodium-cooled Transmuter Charged with a Deep-Burn Discharge TRU Fuel,” Transactions of the Korean Nuclear Society Autumn Meeting, Gyeongju, Korea, November 2 ~ 3, 2006. ● Ser Gi Hong, Sang Ji Kim, Yeong Il Kim, and Dohee Hahn, “600MWe Sodium Cooled Fast Reactor Core Designs for Efficient TRU Transmutation,” Proc. of the Korean Nuclear Society Spring Meeting, May 2006, Chun Cheon. ● Ser Gi Hong, Hoon Song, Jin Wook Jang, and Yeong Il Kim, “Use of Void Duct Assemblies for TRU Transmutation Core Design,” Proc. of the Korean Nuclear Society Autumn Meeting, October 2005, Kyoung-Ju. ● 홍서기, 김상지, 김영일, 한도희, “A Feasibility Study of 900MWt, Lead-Alloy Cooled Core Design with The Enriched Nitride Fuel,” Proc. of the Korean Nuclear Society Autumn Meeting, October 2003, Yong-Pyong. ● 홍서기, 김상지, 한도희, “A Preliminary Neutronic Design of 900MWt Pb-Alloy Cooled, Nitride Fueled Breakeven Cores,” Proc. of the Korean Nuclear Society Spring Meeting, May 2003, Kyoung-ju. ● 홍서기, 김상지, 김영일, “A Preliminary Design Study of 500MWe Ultra-Long Life, Pb-Bi Cooled Core,” Proc. of the Korean Nuclear Society Spring Meeting, May 2003, Kyoung-ju. ● Ser Gi Hong and Ehud Greenspan, Young Kyun Kim, and Yeong Il Kim., “Sodium versus Lead-Bismuth Coolants for the ENHS (Encapsulated Nuclear Heat Source) Reactor,” Proc. of the Korean Nuclear Society Autumn Meeting, October 2002, Yongpyong, Korea. ● 김학성, 홍서기, 김영균, “A Comparative Neutronic Analysis for ZPPR Assembly-02 by Using the ENDF/B-VI and JEF2.2 Libraries,” Proc. of the Korean Nuclear Society Spring Meeting, May 2002, Kwangju. ● 박건우, 홍서기, 김영균, “A Neutronic Feasibility Study on the Use of the Pb-Bi Coolant in the KALIMER Core,” Proc. of the Korean Nuclear Society Spring Meeting, May 2002, Kwangju. ● Ser Gi Hong and Yeong Il Kim, “A High-Order Nodal Method Based on the Function Expansion, Subcell Balances for Even-Parity Transport Problems,” Proc. of the Korean Nuclear Society Autumn Meeting, October 2001, Suwon. ● Ser Gi Hong and Yeong Il Kim, “A Feasibility Study for Designing U-Pu-Zr Fueled, Lead cooled, Long-Life ENHS Cores having Zero Burnup Reactivity Swing,” Proc. of the Korean Nuclear Society Autumn Meeting, October 2001, Suwon. ● 차균호, 홍서기, 구본승, 최유선, 박문규, 이창섭, “Criticality Safety Analysis for Spent Fuel Storage Rack of Kori Unit 1 using the SCALE4.4 Code System,” Proc. of the Korean Nuclear Society Spring Meeting, May 2001, Cheju. ● Gil Soo Lee, Nam Zin Cho, and Ser Gi Hong, “Whole-Core Heterogeneous Transport Calculations and Their Comparision with Diffusion Results,” Proc. of the Korean Nuclear Society Spring Meeting, May 2000, Kori. ● Gil Soo Lee, Nam Zin Cho and Ser Gi Hong, “Acceleration of the Method of Characteristics in the CRX Lattice Calculation Code for Anisotropic Scattering Problems,” Proc. of the Korean Nuclear Society Autumn Meeting, October 1999, Seoul. ● Ser Gi Hong and Nam Zin Cho, “Generation of the Analytic Solutions of the Multigroup Discrete Ordinates Transport Equation in Slab Geometry by Using Infinite Medium Greens Function,” Proc. of the Korean Nuclear Society Autumn Meeting, October 1999, Seoul. ● Duck Joon Koh, Nam Zin Cho and Ser Gi Hong et al., “Burnup Effects of MOX Fuel Pincells in PWR,” Proc. of the Korean Nuclear Society Autumn Meeting, Vol. 1, p.64, October 1998, Seoul. ● Ser Gi Hong and Nam Zin Cho, “Angular Dependent Rebalance Factor Method for Solving the SN Transport Equations in X-Y Geometry,” Proc. of the Korean Nuclear Society Autumn Meeting, Vol. 1, p.47, October 1998, Seoul. ● Kap Suk Moon, Nam Zin Cho, Jae Man Noh and Ser Gi Hong, “Acceleration of the AFEN Method by Two-Node Nonlinear Iteration,” Proc. of the Korean Nuclear Society Spring Meeting, Vol. 1, p.87, May 1998, Suwon. ● Ser Gi Hong and Nam Zin Cho, “FN-Based Nodal Transport Method in X-Y Geometry,” Proc. of the Korean Nuclear Society Autumn Meeting, Vol. 1, p.39, November 1996, Taejon. ● Nam Zin Cho and Ser Gi Hong, “CRX-Hex : A Transport Theory Code Based on Characteristic Method for Hexagonal Geometry,” Proc. of the Korean Nuclear Society Spring Meeting, Vol. 1, p.28, May 1996, Cheju. ● Nam Zin Cho and Ser Gi Hong, “CRX : A Characteristic Transport Theory Code for Cell and Assembly Calculations in Reactor Core Design,” Proc. of the Korean Nuclear Society Autumn Meeting, Vol. 1, p.85, October 1995, Seoul. ● Ser Gi Hong, Nam Zin Cho and Jae Man Noh, “Development of a Three-Dimensional Nodal Diffusion Code Based on the AFEN Methodology,” Proc. of the Korean Nuclear Society Spring Meeting, Vol. 1, p.77, May 1995, Ulsan. ● Nam Zin Cho and Ser Gi Hong, “The Method of Streaming Rays for Neutron Transport Problems,” Proc. of the Korean Nuclear Society Autumn Meeting, Vol. 1, p.67, May 1994, Pohang.